Depending on your situation, there are different types of coaching we provide to help you reach your financial goals. No matter which type of coaching you need, our goal is to educate you so you can learn to make quality, informed decisions on your own. Below is a description of some of the different services we offer.
Beginner Personal FinanceAre you dealing with a large amount of debt, have trouble figuring out where you money is going each month, or struggling in some other way with your finances? If you are just starting out on your financial journey, we can help you:
Next Stage Personal FinanceOnce you’ve gotten to the point of getting your finances organized, doing a budget on a monthly basis, pay off your debts, and set up an emergency fund, you’ve accomplished quite a bit and are ahead of the average person. What’s next? Quite a bit, actually. Once you get to Next Stage Personal Finance, we’ve got a lot of new things for you to learn, such as…..
Entrepreneur Financial CoachingIf you are looking to start or purchase a business, making sure your personal finances are in order should be a top priority. Many businesses fail not because the business isn’t making money or breaking even, but rather because the owner of the business can’t make enough money to pay their personal expenses. Together, we can put together a plan to make sure your finances are in proper shape and minimize the risk to you and your family’s lifestyle.
If you already own a small business and it isn’t performing up to it’s potential, we can help you develop a plan to raise your business to the next level. Among other things, we can help you review your expenses, set up a business budget, explore new ways to expand your revenue, and make your operations more efficient. |